Modular Unified Tagging Ontology (MUTO)
Specification of MUTO Core - 16 November 2011
- Namespace URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#
- Latest version:
- Version 1.0 - (RDF/XML, HTML)
- Last update:
- 2011-11-16
- Author:
- Steffen Lohmann
The Modular Unified Tagging Ontology (MUTO) is an ontology for tagging and folksonomies. It is based on a thorough review of earlier tagging ontologies and unifies core concepts in one consistent schema. It supports different forms of tagging, such as common, semantic, group, private, and automatic tagging, and is easily extensible.
Table of Contents
- General Characteristics
- Basic Design Decisions
- Definitions and Axioms
- Unified Tagging Ontologies
- Diagram
- Example
- Modules
- Classes
- Properties
- Acknowledgments
- References
General Characteristics [back to top]
- Unification of existing tagging ontologies (TAGS, TagOnt, MOAT, etc.)
- Compact and consistent design (all core concepts are included)
- Modular architecture (conceptual separation and easy extensibility)
- Conform to OWL Lite/DL and OWL 2 (ready for reasoning)
Basic Design Decisions [back to top]
- Taggings are aligned with SIOC, tags are aligned with SKOS
(as these are conceptually very close vocabularies) - Tags with same labels are NOT merged in the ontology
(every tag is a separate instance in the core ontology) - The creators of taggings are linked via their user accounts
(this allows one user to have multiple accounts) - Anything can be tagged, as long as it has a URI (or IRI)
(no restriction on the type of resources)
Definitions and Axioms [back to top]
Key terms related to tagging and folksonomies are defined at https://socialtagging.org.
There are some fundamental principles of tagging and folksonomies that must not be violated. These principles have been considered in the design of the MUTO core vocabulary and are expressed in the following axioms:
Tag axioms:
- A tag has always exactly one label - otherwise it is not a tag.
(Additional labels can be separately defined, e.g. via skos:Concept.) - Tags with the same label are not necessarily semantically identical.
(Each tag has its own identity and property values.) - A tag can itself be a resource of tagging (tagging of tags).
Tagging axioms:
- A tagging is always linked to exactly one resource and one user account
(the latter can be omitted in case of automatic tagging). - The number of tags per tagging is theoretically unlimited
(though it is practically limited by the constraints of the tagging system). - A tagging can itself be a resource of another tagging (tagging of taggings).
Unified Tagging Ontologies [back to top]
MUTO is based on a review of the following tagging ontologies:
Name | Release (latest update) |
Main purpose | Newly introduced concepts | OWL sublanguage | RDF/XML URI reference (local copy of reviewed version) |
Tag Ontology | 2005-03-23 (2005-12-21) |
First formal tagging ontology | Fundamental concepts and structure, restricted tagging | OWL Full | http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/ (MUTO mirror) |
2006 (2007-01-15) |
Comprehensive domain description | Tagging source and note, private and group tagging | OWL Full | http://bubb.ghb.fh-furtwangen.de/TagOnt/tagont.owl (missing) (author copy) (MUTO mirror) |
Ontology of Folksonomy | 2007 (—) |
Comprehensive domain description | Aggregated tag, tag position, polarity, and type | OWL DL | http://www.eslomas.com/tagontology-1.owl (MUTO mirror) |
Social Semantic Cloud of Tags | 2007-03-23 (2008-06-13) |
TAGS extension for tag clouds | Tag clouds, frequencies, coccurrences, and spelling variants | OWL Full | http://scot-project.org/scot/ns# (missing) (MUTO mirror) |
Meaning of a Tag | 2008-01-15 (—) |
TAGS extension for semantic tagging | Tag meaning, automatic tagging | OWL Full | http://moat-project.org/ns# (MUTO mirror) |
Upper Tag Ontology | 2008 (—) |
Upper ontology | Voting via tags | OWL Lite (OWL Full) |
http://info.slis.indiana.edu/~dingying/uto.owl (MUTO mirror) (aligned version) |
Common Tag | 2009-06-08 (—) |
Minimal ontology (optimized for RDFa) | Author vs. reader tags | OWL Full | http://commontag.org/ns# (MUTO mirror) (CTAG mappings / MUTO mirror) |
TAGora Tagging Ontology | 2009 (2010) |
Automatic tag sense disambiguation | -- | OWL Lite | http://tagora.ecs.soton.ac.uk/schemas/tagging (MUTO mirror) |
NiceTag Ontology | 2009-01-09 (2010-09-09) |
Taggings as speech acts (intention of tags) | Named graphs, tag intensions | OWL Full | http://ns.inria.fr/nicetag/2010/09/09/voc (MUTO mirror) |
Modular Unified Tagging Ontology | 2011-09-02 (2011-11-16) |
Unification, modularization | -- | OWL Lite | http://purl.org/muto/core# |
Note that only the main concepts of these tagging ontologies are included in the MUTO core vocabulary. Further concepts can be integrated as extensions (e.g. in the form of MUTO modules).
Diagram [back to top]
The following diagram shows the main concepts of the MUTO core vocabulary. A more complete UML diagram is available at http://purl.org/muto/core/muto-UML.png
Example [back to top]
The following diagram illustrates a private tagging from the tagging system example.org. User alice tagged a photo showing her friend Bob. She first entered the tag "madrid" and later added the tag "sol" as a subtag of "madrid". She gave the tag "sol" an explicit meaning by referencing the DBpedia description of "Puerta del Sol".
The tagging system automatically recognized Alice's friend Bob on the photo and added his name as a tag. It also linked the tag to his user account at the social networking website example.com. Alice decided to share this private tagging with Bob and granted him access.
Here is the RDF/Turtle representation of the described example (also available in RDF/XML).
muto: <http://purl.org/muto/core#> . sioc: <http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#> . skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . <http://example.org/tagging/tagging1> a <http://purl.org/muto/core#PrivateTagging>; muto:taggedResource <http://example.com/photos/photo1>; muto:hasCreator <http://example.org/user/alice>; muto:hasTag <http://example.org/tag/tag1>, <http://example.org/tag/tag2>, <http://example.org/tag/tag3>; muto:taggingCreated "2011-11-11T11:11:11Z"; muto:taggingModified "2011-11-12T09:43:03Z"; muto:grantAccess <http://example.org/user/bob>; sioc:has_container <http://example.org/tagging/taggings>; sioc:note "Photo showing Bob in downtown Madrid." . <http://example.org/tag/tag1> a <http://purl.org/muto/core#Tag>; muto:tagLabel "madrid" ; muto:nextTag <http://example.org/tag/tag2>. <http://example.org/tag/tag2> a <http://purl.org/muto/core#Tag>; muto:tagLabel "sol"; muto:tagCreated "2011-11-12T09:43:03Z"; muto:tagMeaning <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Puerta_del_Sol>; skos:broader <http://example.org/tag/tag1> . <http://example.org/tag/tag3> a <http://purl.org/muto/core#AutoTag>; muto:tagLabel "bob"; muto:autoMeaning <http://example.org/user/bob> . <http://example.org/tagging/taggings> a <http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#Container>; sioc:has_space <http://example.org> .
Modules [back to top]
The MUTO core vocabulary can be extended by modules that describe specific parts of tagging and folksonomies in more detail (e.g. tag categories, resource types, etc.) or provide alignments to related vocabularies. There is only one mappings module at the moment, but more modules are planned for the future. Feel free to contribute with your module.
MUTO Mappings Module
This module provides mappings between the MUTO core vocabulary and other tagging ontologies (Version 0.1 is limited to alignments with TAGS).
- Namespace URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/mappings#
- Latest version:
- Version 0.1
- Last update:
- 2011-11-16
- Author:
- Steffen Lohmann
Classes (4) [back to top]
The MUTO core vocabulary introduces the following four classes. See the formal RDF/XML specification for more details.
Automatic Tag | Private Tagging | Tag | Tagging
Automatic Tag [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#AutoTag
- Subclass of:
- muto:Tag
- Description:
- An automatic tag is a tag that is automatically associated with a resource (e.g. by a tagging system), i.e. it is not entered by a human being.
Private Tagging [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#PrivateTagging
- Subclass of:
- muto:Tagging
- Description:
- A private tagging is a tagging that is only visible to its creator (unless the creator has not granted access to others via muto:grantAccess). Every tagging that is not an instance of muto:PrivateTagging is public by default.
Tag [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#Tag
- Subclass of:
- skos:Concept
- Description:
- A Tag consists of an arbitrary text label. Note that tags with the same label are NOT merged in the ontology.
Tagging [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#Tagging
- Subclass of:
- sioc:Item
- Description:
- A tagging links a resource to a user account and one or more tags.
Properties (17) [back to top]
automatic tag meaning | creator of | grant access | has access | has creator | has tag | meaning of | next tag | previous tag | tag created | tag label | tag meaning | tag of | tagged resource | tagged with | tagging created | tagging modified
automatic tag meaning (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#autoMeaning
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Subproperty of:
- muto:tagMeaning
- Description:
- This subproperty indicates that the meaning of a tag has been automatically defined (e.g. by a tagging system), i.e. it has not been defined by a human being. The default case is disambiguation by users via muto:tagMeaning.
creator of (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#creatorOf
- Domain:
- sioc:UserAccount
- Range:
- muto:Tagging
- Subproperty of:
- sioc:creator_of
- Inverse of:
- muto:hasCreator
- Description:
- A user account can have a (theoretically unlimited) number of taggings. Use sioc:member_of to define groups for group tagging or link to foaf:Agent, foaf:Person, or foaf:Group via sioc:account_of.
grant access (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#grantAccess
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Description:
- A (usually private) tagging can be linked to one or more user accounts or user groups that should have access to it (apart from the creator). This property can also be used in public tagging to link a user account or user group to a tagging (e.g. if the creator of a tagging wants to suggest the tagging to another user).
has access (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#hasAccess
- Range:
- muto:Tagging
- Inverse of:
- muto:grantAccess
- Description:
- A user account or user group can have access to a private tagging from another user if the access is explicitly permitted by the creator of the tagging. This property can also be used in public tagging to link a user account or user group to a tagging (e.g. if the creator of a tagging has suggested the tagging to another user).
has creator (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#hasCreator
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Range:
- sioc:UserAccount
- Subproperty of:
- sioc:has_creator
- Description:
- Every tagging is linked to at most one user account. This property can be omitted for automatic taggings. In contrast to its superproperty sioc:has_creator, it is functional and with an explicit domain. Use sioc:member_of to define groups for group tagging or link to foaf:Agent, foaf:Person, or foaf:Group via sioc:account_of.
has tag (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#hasTag
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Range:
- muto:Tag
- Description:
- A tagging consists of a (theoretically unlimited) number of tags. A tagging may also consist of no tags, e.g. if the system allows its users to mark a resource first and add tags later.
meaning of (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#meaningOf
- Range:
- muto:Tag
- Inverse of:
- muto:tagMeaning
- Description:
- The number of tags that can be linked to one and the same meaning is theoretically unlimited.
next tag (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#nextTag
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Range:
- muto:Tag
- Description:
- This property indicates the tag that follows next in the list of tags. It can be used to describe the order in which the tags have been entered by the user.
privious tag (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#previousTag
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Range:
- muto:Tag
- Inverse of:
- muto:nextTag
- Description:
- This property indicates the tag that is preceding in the list of tags. It can be used to describe the order in which the tags have been entered by the user.
tag created (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#tagCreated
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Range:
- xsd:dateTime
- Subproperty of:
- dcterms:created
- Description:
- The creation date and time of a tag. This property can be omitted if muto:taggingCreated = muto:tagCreated (i.e. in the common case that a tag has been created along with a tagging, not in a later edit of the tagging). The datatype of this property is xsd:dateTime (in contrast to it superproperty dcterms:created which has range rdfs:Literal).
tag label (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#tagLabel
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Range:
- rdfs:Literal
- Description:
- Every tag has exactly one label (usually the one given by the user) - otherwise it is not a tag. Additional labels can be defined in the resource that is linked via muto:tagMeaning.
tag meaning (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#tagMeaning
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Description:
- The meaning of a tag can be expressed by a link to a well-defined resource. This can be any resource that clarifies the meaning of the tag (e.g. some DBpedia resource).
tag of (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#tagOf
- Domain:
- muto:Tag
- Range:
- muto:Tagging
- Inverse of:
- muto:hasTag
- Description:
- Every tag is linked to exactly one tagging. This results from the fact that tags with same labels are NOT merged in the ontology.
tagged resource (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#taggedResource
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Subproperty of:
- sioc:about
- Description:
- Every tagging is linked to exactly one resource. This can be any kind of resource (i.e. all subclasses of rdfs:Resource), including tags and taggings.
tagged with (object property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#taggedWith
- Range:
- muto:Tagging
- Inverse of:
- muto:taggedResource
- Description:
- A resource can have several taggings from different users. Tags are never directly linked to resources but can be inferred from the taggings.
tagging created (functional property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#taggingCreated
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Range:
- xsd:dateTime
- Subproperty of:
- dcterms:created
- Description:
- Every tagging has exactly one creation date and time. The datatype of this property is xsd:dateTime (in contrast to its superproperty dcterms:created which has range rdfs:Literal).
tagging modified (datatype property) [back to top]
- URI:
- http://purl.org/muto/core#taggingModified
- Domain:
- muto:Tagging
- Range:
- xsd:dateTime
- Subproperty of:
- dcterms:modified
- Description:
- A tagging can have multiple modification dates, as the number of times a tagging can be edited (e.g. to add or remove tags) is theoretically unlimited. The datatype of this property is xsd:dateTime (in contrast to it superproperty dcterms:created which has range rdfs:Literal).
Acknowledgments [back to top]
This work has been conducted in the context of the UrThey project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2009-09687).
References [back to top]
Lohmann, S., Díaz, P., Aedo, I.: MUTO: The Modular Unified Tagging Ontology. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS 2011), pp. 95-104. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2011. [DOI] [BibTex]
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